Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Broad Mind Knows No Limits!

While English has conveniently become the linguae francae today, percipient to other languages will no doubt broaden your horizons. My journey in this regard began in the late nineties. While I appreciate the six languages I am fluent in today, the seventh Spanish is rusty due to a lack of exposure. Hindi/Urdu greatly broaden one's horizons and in my opinion, this is essential to understanding paradigm shift today in world interest toward the East. Arabic is no less important and is evident in the number of colleges offering Arabic courses. 

Hindi films have become a popular gateway towards exposure to the language and culture. I recently found a great song that I first heard in the Sinhala language. It was sung by the late H.R. Jothipala, the inimitable singer from Sri Lanka. Here is the link to the original, sung by the late Mohammed Rafi whose work needs no introduction:

Chale Aj Tum by Mohammed Rafie

Here is the lyrics to it that I have transcribed. Please advise of corrections/suggestions. Thank you for visiting. Let peace and love prevail!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

How to Choose a Credit Card

With many a comrade to most of us in debt with the recent credit crunch, I thought this would be a great read. Needless to say more - hold on to your liquidity and play it safe out there. Here is how to deal with your credit cards:


Downloading your Favorite Youtube Video

Ever wondered how to download a video from Youtube? One of the most fulfilling aspects of being a technology professional is the ability to help society, in this case a friend of 15 years. She wants to know how to download her favorite video from Youtube. Here's how you do it:

1. Click on this link to download a software called Tooble. While there are many ways to achieve the same, we will stick Tooble for now. For one, it works great on the Mac (personally tested on OS X - Leopard and Snow Leopard) and it is very simple piece of software that hardly takes up a foot print of your precious computing resources. Select your version (Windows or Mac) download and install it.

2. Once installed, go to the youtube video you want to download, click on its URL - then copy it (Hold down CONTROL and press C).

3. Now go to Tooble. On the top left hand corner, look for "Enter a URL". Click on it and paste the URL you copied from your youtube video.

4. You are on the way to your own, off-line copy of your favorite Youtube video!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me and the pleasure is mine to see you succeed.